The aim of the procurement is to conduct the study within the scope of environmental impact assessment.
The survey consists of 3 separate studies:
- A baseline survey of birds (to collect data on the birds of the area – migration patterns of waterbirds, moulting and wintering congregations and their population density; based on the international standard StUK4)
- A radar survey of birds (to collect data on the area’s birds and assess seasonal peculiarities in flight intensity of migratory, foraging and local commuting birds; also based on StUK4)
- Telemetry tags for studying Little gull and Lesser black-backed gull in Estonian ELWIND area (whether the Estonian ELWIND area could be an important feeding area for these two species).
The Contracting Entity has divided the procurement into two lots. The lots are:
- Lot 1 –Estonian ELWIND wind farm study area.
- Lot 2 – Latvian ELWIND wind farm study area.
The Contractor must submit a tender for all lots.
The aim of the study is the impact assessment of the offshore wind park project regarding birds. The study should provide recommendations on how to prevent, mitigate and resolve possible negative implications. The study is expected to showcase also possible positive implications.
The submission deadline for the tenders is 10am EET, January 24th, 2025.
For further information, please see the procurement in the Estonian Procurement Registry, the procurement reference number is 287459.