Public procurement: Study of the environmental impact on fisheries and fisheries-related activities for ELWIND

ELWIND is a joint Estonian-Latvian state-run cross-border hybrid offshore wind project. All the procurements are done jointly, unless legally required to pursue with country-based procurement.

The public procurement for the study of the environmental impact on fisheries and fisheries- related activities has been published.  

The aim of the study is to carry out fish community inventory and spring-spawning Baltic herring studies in the development areas of ELWIND offshore wind parks in Estonia and Latvia and in their vicinity.  

The procurement is divided into three lots. Each lot of covers different fishery surveys in the Estonian and/or Latvian maritime area. The lots are: Lot 1 – Fish inventory and fisheries survey in the Estonian ELWIND wind farm area; Lot 2 – Fish inventory and fisheries survey in the Latvian ELWIND wind farm area; Lot 3 – Survey of spring-spawning Baltic herring. 

The results of the study must determine whether the offshore wind park project, if implemented, could conflict with the conservation needs of the nature conservation fish species or the interests of the fishing industry. 

The deadline for submitting the tender is 05.06.2024, 11a.m. EET  

For further information, please consult the Estonian Procurement Registry here, reference number: 278848.