In June 2021, the Estonian Environmental Investment Centre signed the agreement with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, under which EIC will help to carry out the pre-development activities of ELWIND.
ELWIND as a joint Estonian-Latvian project started in 2020. The Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications of Estonia and the Latvian Ministry of Economics signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) aimed at pre-developing an offshore wind park of up to 1,000 MW in the Baltic Sea, with the right to build the wind park via auction.
The cooperation model combining the expertise of the two countries and aiming to strengthen their electricity grid and to increase the security of the electricity supply in the region, is unique in the world. EIC together with the Latvian counterparts from LIAA will apply also for the EU funding to finance the activities needed to implement the project.
The ELWIND project is implemented by the Estonian Ministry of Climate (Ministry of Economics and Communications in 2021), the Latvian Ministry of Economics, the Environmental Investment Centre (EIC) and the Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA).
The project management, including ordering necessary studies for predevelopment of the project, will be carried out by EIC on the Estonian side and by LIAA on the Latvian side.