Bring Baltic's
wind together

Energy production needs a new approach, both for environmental and security reasons. Offshore wind energy is an environmentally and human-friendly way to produce green, affordable energy and to increase energy independence.

ELWIND project timeline

MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) 2020

Technical assistance 2021

Prefeasibility study 2021

C-B RES list nomination 2022

Final area decisions 2022

CEF RES application 2023

EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) 2024-2027

Auction 2028

Project construction 2030+

Commissioning 2033+

2020 - MoU (Memorandum of Understanding)

Projekti elluviimist alustati 2020. aasta septembris, mil allkirjastati Eesti-Läti majandusministeeriumite vahel vastastikuse mõistmise memorandum (edaspidi MoU). Projekt loob tiheda sideme Läti ja Eesti vahel, tugevdades tehnoloogilist, energeetilist ja majandusliku koostööd.

Consideration phase
  • Studies for offshore wind connection in on-shore
  • Assessments of various scenarios for offshore wind connection
  • EIA studies
  • Other technical and socio-economic studies
Planning and permitting phase
  • Technical requirements for ELWIND connection
  • Proposal for investments
  • Investment decision
  • Technical design
  • Tendering
Construction phase
  • Constructiion timeline
  • Commissioning
  • Testing
  • Operation